Custom Portrait Wall Art Mockup

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Make it yours.

You and the ones you love are as unique as every single stroke of my pen.

Why you would want portraiture commission of your loved ones?

Here is my take.

Many artists agree that commissioning a piece or simply purchasing an original is a worthwhile investment for you.

While that holds some weight, but an investment is only valuable if the market dictates it be in your favor.

They way I see it. This commission is simply a token to visually remind you of the person you love, what you love about them, how much you love them, how they make you feel, and that warm fuzzy feeling you get when they declare their adoration for this truly unique present; while being very pleasant and complimentary to your style however you decide to realize it in a space.

I do not strive for realism, photography is here for that. I do not beautify, photoshop is here for that.

My goal is to study the lights in their eyes, to convey your feelings for them and to capture their spirit in this moment, through studying all of the photographs you provide. Different angles, different lights, different poses, different moods. I study them all. I can genuinely guarantee you will not find another piece of work like mine, not when the market is saturated with automated processors that will turn a photo into something that resembles oil painting in under 30 seconds.

How we proceed:

A typical portrait commission is based upon throughout studies of the subject(s) via photographs provided by the client.

After payment is finalized, I study the subject closely. I try to incorporate significant elements (favorite plants, place, cultural icon) of their life in the drawing, as well as maintaining flow and beauty, to bring about the unique character, features and spirit.

Usually it takes 7-10 business days to complete, and the outcome is striking and eye-capturing. Deliverables include a high-resolution PDF file ready to print (up to 35x35”, oversize request can be accommodated), PNG images with/without background for social media sharing and custom gift making.

It’s perfect for gifting on any occasion, highly customizable, and I can offer you free consultation on how to make them into the most unique gifts the market has to offer.

Here are the different categories/styles that I offer: